God has called each one of us to minister to a suffering world. We may not be able to help everyone, but we can do something to help change the world of one woman at a time.  God has given us no greater task than to relieve someone else's pain.

The 6.8.5. Initiative and Pambazuka Ministries have chosen to stand in the gap for  a small group of homeless elderly widows who have fallen through the cracks of society.  Eventually there will be between 2 and 5 elderly widows living their last years out at the Selah Rescue Center.

The widows will live permanently at the Selah Rescue Center as a peaceful resting place to call home and a place where they receive proper nutrition, medical care, and love in their final years. Selah Rescue Center is a place where hurting and forgotten women come to discover their worth in God's eyes as well as discover how much God loves them.

Enjoy the following collection of pictures of elderly widows in our ministry program.

Gallery of Widows being served by the 6.8.5. Inititative and Pambazuka Ministries Uganda