The leadership of Pambazuka Ministires Uganda and The 6.8.5. Initiative reside both in Uganda and the United States. The Selah Rescue Center employs around 12 Ugandan staff members and an assortment of full or part-time volunteers from the United States.
Below you will find a list of the ministry's managerial staff and US volunteers.

Susan Maina
Founder and Director of
Pambazuka Ministries Uganda

US Director for
The 6.8.5. Initiative

James Ochola
Administrator and
Village Boys Program Director

Connie Moe
Resident Director for
the Al'manah Widows Program

Jordan Miller
US-based Mentor for the
Teen Mothers Program

Kevin Ochieng
Village Outreach Coordinator and
Spiritual Leader for
Pambazuka Ministries Uganda